Benefits of Reiki

  • Reiki is positive energy. It never causes harm to any living thing!
  • Recommended for ongoing health maintenance.
  • Calms, reduces stress and provides deep peace, and relaxation.
  • Boosts the immune system and assists in the body’s natural healing process by improving blood circulation.
  • Relieves or reduces pain associated with migraines, muscle pain, arthritis among others.
  • Increases energy levels.
  • Offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow, and can help the client through the grieving process.
  • Improves chronic health problems.
  • Promotes creativity.
  • Can provide spiritual clarity.

Reiki works very well in conjunction with other healing modalities and can improve their impact on the body without adverse side effects. Reiki can be used in the following conditions:

  • While using medication.
  • If your physician agrees to Reiki treatment while you are hospitalized.
  • While you are pregnant.
  • Reiki is safe in treating the symptoms of imbalance: Chronic and acute conditions related to sinus inflammation, migraine, cystitis, asthma, chronic fatigue, arthritis, back pain, sciatica, insomnia and depression, menopause and stress related disorders – among others.
  • Reiki speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness, as it tends to reduce side-effects and improves circulation. It helps in adjusting to medicine/treatment. For example: Chemo-therapy patients who received Reiki noticed a marked decrease in side effects from treatment.
  • Reiki purifies environments, and can facilitate the removal of bad energy or pestering spirits from an office, house, garden, room, etc.
  • Reiki helps athletes to heal faster from injury and can increase performance ability.
  • Reiki can be used on pets with regard to separation anxiety, trauma and illness and this can also be done through Reiki distant healing.